In this article, we touch on what synthetic application availability testing is including reasons why you should consider using it in your Citrix environment. We then discuss two specific products that exist in the market to achieve synthetic availability testing against virtualised applications and desktops.
Launching App-V applications published through Studio on the same VDA
Citrix Studio integrates with App-V in either Single Admin or Dual Admin mode. The benefits of Single Admin mode is that essentially no App-V Management or Steaming servers are required. This is achievable because Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops can directly hook into the SMB network share where App-V packages are stored.
How to configure and troubleshoot VDA registration to Delivery Controllers
There are a couple of ways to configure VDAs so that they can register with Delivery Controllers in your Citrix Site. Registration from a VDA perspective is a sensitive process, and one you want to get right from the beginning. Also, it is good to know some of the things which can cause registration to fail at any point in time. If VDAs are not registered against a Delivery Controller, they won’t be considered by a Delivery Controller when brokering connections.