In my recent article Understanding Citrix Latency Metrics to Troubleshoot Remote Worker Issues, I explained some causes to “Citrix is slow” complaints and delved into the latency metrics that are available to assist with troubleshooting.
performance monitor
Advanced Logon Duration Troubleshooting with Goliath Performance Monitor
When we virtualise desktops and applications in a Citrix environment, one of the most important success factors is providing end-users with quick logons to those resources. This is often a difficult challenge that usually result in hours of tweaking, fine-tuning, and lengthy testing. In this article, we take a look at Goliath Technologies’ monitoring software, and how this product accurately provides uniquely detailed in-depth logon measurements to allow you to effectively monitor and troubleshoot logon times in a quicker, more effortless way.
Citrix Performance Monitoring
After installing Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop roles such as StoreFront, Delivery Controller, VDA on servers, the setup installation adds several new performance counters that you can access and use via Performance Monitor. Some of the counters will be specific to the role you install so the counters available to each machine will vary.