Wait, not just Internet Explorer. All browsers now consume more memory and CPU than ever before. The more enhanced content on the web gets, the more resource browsers will use displaying the content.
Citrix Receiver Add Account Popup
After installing Citrix Receiver you may find the below pops up each time you log on to your PC. If you enter a store or your email address it will dissapear (providing your device can reach a Site). The prompt also dissapears when you have a Store configured via Group Policy for example. However, if you use BYOD devices and do not have the option of configuring a store, you can disable this popup via Registry, Group Policy or when installing the Receiver client.
Citrix Command Center service fails to start
Windows could not start the Citrix Command Center service on Local Computer. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.
Error occured during initialization of VM. NoClassDefFoundError. These are some of the messages being shown randomly when I noticed Command Center was offline and I tried to start the service.
Citrix NetScaler traffic capture using nstrace and nstcpdump
Nstrace is a NetScaler packet capture tool. Nstrace dumps packets in the native NetScaler format. These trace files have an extension of .cap and can be analysed with WireShark. You can use specific filters in WireShark as normal to filter through captured data or specify filters using the NetScaler CLI. This allows you to only capture traffic of interest.