Citrix Command Center – Could not find a valid Java virtual machine to load

When you attempt to uninstall or change the installation of Citrix Command Center you might get the below message:

“Could not find a valid Java virtual machine to load. You may need to reinstall a supported Java virtual machine.”

Note: Command Center is now End of Life. NetScaler MAS is the replacement


To fix, you need to insert the Java JRE bin folder location in to the Path system environment variable.

Within the Citrix Command Center server, launch computer properties and click the Advanced tab -> Environment Variables…


Highlight the Path system variable and click Edit.3-min

Append the Java JRE bin folder location to the end of the value field as shown below and click OK.4-min

The JRE bin folder location may vary depending on where you installed Command Center. The default location on this server is C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Citrix Command Center\jre\bin\.5-min

Now you can launch the uninstall wizard etc.6-min

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