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Digging in to the Citrix logon process

When you are troubleshooting slow or failed Citrix logons, no doubt that it helps to know a bit about the background events that take place to achieve a successful logon. Unfortunately it isn’t quite as simple as handing your logon credentials to StoreFront and being granted access to your apps and desktops. Keep Reading

Citrix Application Session Prelaunch

Application Prelaunch is a feature that was available in XenApp 6.5, gone in FMA v7+ and now back again in XenApp/XenDesktop 7.6. The goal of prelaunch is to “pre-prepare” a session in the background for a user when they launch Citrix Receiver for Windows so that when they do eventually click to launch the resource the prelaunch session is replaced with a regular session and startup time is much faster.

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SmartControl and SmartAccess

Both SmartAccess and SmartControl are similar in practice. One is implemented at the Delivery Controller level with the use of Citrix policies (SmartAccess) and the other is implemented at the NetScaler Gateway level (SmartControl). SmartControl was introduced in NetScaler v11, and is a Platinum feature.

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Citrix ThinWire HDX Graphics Modes – what is right for you?

Desktop Composition Redirecton (DCR) (Deprecated in XenApp and XenDesktop 7.12), ThinWire Legacy, ThinWire+, Framehawk (deprecated in Virtual Apps and Desktops 1811). Which HDX display mode should you be using? There’s no quick and easy answer as the real question is which mode will fit in to your infrastructure and business/user requirements.

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Capturing and analyzing launch.ica

Just a short one. I thought I’d post this because recently I had to do this exact task to troubleshoot a Citrix connection issue. It made me again realise how important it can be to get a look at the launch.ica file and view connection details to help diagnose a fault.

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