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NetScaler set CLI prompt – changing the CLI prompt

Setting the CLI prompt on NetScaler can be used to provide warning messages to users such as Authorised users only or you could set a message of Use of this account to perform configurations is prohibited, please log off if for example you did not want anyone using the default nsroot account to make changes via CLI.

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Citrix NetScaler Unified Gateway

NetScaler Unified Gateway can help in the common situation where a user has to remember too many different URLs to access different web, SaaS, enterprise applications, file shares and so on. Maybe your business only has one public IP to use. The Unified Gateway simplifies certain use-cases, and provides a user with a single URL to access all these different systems wether they are on-premise or within the cloud. Authentication is simplified also as rather than authenticating to different URLs, now you authenticate to one and Unified Gateway performs SSO to any backend application.

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SmartControl and SmartAccess

Both SmartAccess and SmartControl are similar in practice. One is implemented at the Delivery Controller level with the use of Citrix policies (SmartAccess) and the other is implemented at the NetScaler Gateway level (SmartControl). SmartControl was introduced in NetScaler v11, and is a Platinum feature.

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NetScaler Integrated Caching

Citrix NetScaler comes with a caching feature named Integrated Caching which can cache frequently accessed data to take the stress off backend servers and deliver content to users faster by elminating trips to backend servers.

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Citrix Command Center service fails to start

Windows could not start the Citrix Command Center service on Local Computer. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.

Error occured during initialization of VM. NoClassDefFoundError. These are some of the messages being shown randomly when I noticed Command Center was offline and I tried to start the service.

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