Windows Server 2012 R2 Optimisation Script.
Tested on: Windows Server 2012 R2 build 9600.
Description: This script disables services, disables scheduled tasks and modifies the registry to optimise system performance on Windows Server 2012 R2 running in a Citrix SBC environment.
Note: This script makes changes to the system registry and performs other configuration changes. As such a full backup of the machine or snapshot if running in a virtual environment is strongly recommended. Carry out full testing before introducing the optimised image to production. You should review ALL optimisations this script makes and determine if they fit in to your environment. Not all optimisations will suit all environemnts. To avoid failure, run PowerShell as an administrator before running this script.
Download (click below):
Windows Server 2012 R2 Optimisation Script (5905 downloads )
Any problems with the script or if you want to make your own improvement suggestions then comment below.
Open the script using a text editor or PowerShell ISE to see what exactly the script does.
January 27, 2018Do you have Windows 7 and Windows10 Optimization Script also?
George Spiers
January 29, 2018No not at this time, I may well do in the future. If you subscribe to the blog you will get notifications for such posts.
June 28, 2018When running this script everything finishes properly, but the network adapter indicator has a red x showing no connections connected. There is a connection, but the Windows 2012r2 “new pc settings” shows no ethernet adapters even though the “network and sharing center” shows a connected adapter.
George Spiers
June 30, 2018Start the “Windows Connection Manager” service and the icon will show properly.
June 30, 2018Thank you this worked! Great script. Currently running this with Azure Worker Servers.
June 30, 2018Thank you this worked! Great script. Currently running this with Azure Worker Servers.
George Spiers
July 1, 2018Good stuff!
July 1, 2018Hey may I have the excel sheet for this as well if you don’t mind?
Thank you.
Robert Bartels
January 18, 2019Just downloaded your optimisation script thanks!
The counter for the downloads doesn’t rises though.
Keep up the good work!
George Spiers
January 25, 2019Caching normally prevents the counter from growing, although it is growing in the background. Hope you get use out of the script!
Pingback: Citrix Windows Server 2012 R2优化脚本 – KB随手记
May 1, 2019Just use it!
Thx a lot George, very helpful, running it to my lab 🙂
May 17, 2019Hi George,
Our Remote Desktop server (Straight/Plain 2012 R2 RDC) is not in any Citrix env however it is on a VMware Host. Do you have any documents that could help me with what lines in the script I would need to modify or remove? Do you have or know a good doc/source to do this with exchange 2013 server as well?
George Spiers
May 17, 2019Hello – some people have used the script on plain RDS servers without any issues. I don’t have any specific guides for Exchange 2013 though.
May 29, 2019can i use this script in app layering platform??
George Spiers
May 29, 2019Yes of course.
Carlos Pisciolari
July 3, 2019Thanks, Muy Bueno. Muchas Gracias
John Carmody
July 25, 2019is the dl corrupt? get an extraction error using winzip/winrar/7zip
George Spiers
July 26, 2019I just tried and it worked.. WinRAR 5.50 (64-bit).
October 16, 2019Hi there George,
Windows server 2019 did this script work?
George Spiers
November 3, 2019It will work but may not give the full benefits of optimisation as new services etc. have since been released in Server 2019. Make sure to test afterwards.
December 9, 2019Hi George,
Thanks a lot for Win 2012 R2 optimization script. I am using XenApp 7.15 LTSR
Can we use this script on PVS, DDC 2012 R2 or StoreFront 2012 R2 servers too ? If not, Are there are any articles to optimize the above components ?
George Spiers
December 14, 2019I’m not sure there is much out there. I never try to optimise those servers personally.
August 2, 2020Thank you. Script works.
May 12, 2021Hey George,
run the script, but its stripped out the background? i don’t see anything that looks to cover the background in the script ? any ideas on how i can restore it ?
July 24, 2022Not able to download the script, says access denied !
kindly share the download link.
George Spiers
July 24, 2022Thanks for letting me know. It is working now.
July 26, 2022Many thanks for your quick action. Appreciate your contribution
Graham Mason
August 31, 2022Hey George, are you working on a 2019/2022 optimisation script at all?
just wondered if its worth waiting or just “adapting” your 2012 one to the bits i “think” are safe to kill off ?